RTFO increased to 25% by energy content from 1st January 2025
To address the challenge of decarbonising the transport sector, the Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation (RTFO) increased to 25% (by energy content) from 1st January 2025. This requirement ensures that a higher percentage of transport fuel comes from renewable sources and the changes will affect all vehicles on the road.
According to the “Energy in Ireland 2024” report, published by the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI), the transport sector is the largest source of energy demand in the Irish economy and demand for transport energy rose by 4.5% in 2023. Road transport accounted for 75% of total transport energy consumption, with private cars accounting for nearly 40%.
Overall demand for road diesel rose 1% in Ireland in 2023, but due to mandates increasing the amount of biofuels blended into road fuels, this meant that less fossil diesel was used in 2023, thereby reducing emissions from road diesel. With the use of biofuels mandated under the RTFO legislation increasing in the future, biofuels will continue to play a key role in Ireland’s decarbonisation strategy.
The RTFO requirement is planned to continually rise and the blending mandates will be met primarily by the use of Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO), also known as renewable diesel, which is a biofuel chemically similar to fossil-based diesel and it therefore allows for higher blend rates.
Inver imports HVO into its jointly-owned terminal in Foynes. Thanks to the flexible infrastructure of the terminal, Inver can seamlessly adjust the amount of HVO blended with fossil-based diesel to ensure compliance with the RTFO.
HVO supplied by Inver is sourced from auditable and certified supply chains and complies with the International Sustainability & Carbon Certification (ISCC) scheme. The ISCC is a globally recognised sustainability system approved under the European Union’s Renewable Energy Directive (RED II). This certification ensures we demonstrate compliance with legal requirements.