
January 10, 2016 Back to News

Inver’s think tank opens a new Techspace in Limerick

Inver continues to focus on community and education with the latest Techspace opening in Limerick at the Learning Hub Limerick, Kileely House, New Road, Kileely, Limerick. Techspace encourages and inspires our young people to create, produce and have fun with digital technology, they enjoy becoming creators and inventors rather than passive consumers of technology.

Ben Lenihan, Inver’s Retail Director explains “think tank is our way of making a meaningful contribution to our local community. Every time fuel is purchased at an Inver forecourt a cent is put into the think tank. Our focus is on children and education, we seek to improve their maths, science and technology skills. We achieve this though an amazing partnership with Camara Ireland and Foroige”.
